Wilderness /Alpine First Aid
(Mapped competencies to SISSS00126)
What makes this class different? You learn first aid protocols for “remote” response where (medical support is more than 2hrs away). These are the first aid skill you need to handle issues and injuries in remote or wilderness areas. Also, first aid techniques in this class are more advanced than a standard first aid course…with more choices…plus higher performance standards. This first aid works anywhere, as you also learn the traditional “rapid” response protocols for everyday situations.
Alpine First Aid is designed to provide elementary skills in remote care based on recommendations from the Wilderness Medical Society and evidence-based research. The curriculum focuses on making sound decisions regarding patient evacuation, as well as skills for extended care in the wilderness. Courses are a hands-on, experiential format providing students with the skills and confidence for making remote medical care decisions. Alpine First Aid is ideal for Ice climbers, skiers, snowboarders, snowshoers and other outdoor recreation enthusiasts who either work or play away from definitive medical facilities and support. For successfully completion of our training we require students to be competent in written and spoken English. It is also recommended that students have the standard First Aid certification - HLTAID003. An experienced and qualified trainer delivers the training and assessment. The course delivered includes both theoretical and practical elements. The practical elements are completed as scenarios throughout the duration of the course. The delivery of training will include individual scenarios, group scenarios and trainer discussions. Contact us to book in for one of the courses Cost - $850Course delivered in